
Decision-Making Authority in Faroese Hands

From 1 September 2024, the decision-making authority in most matters concerning immigration will be transferred to Faroese hands. The regulation comes into effect on 1 September 2024.

This means that all applications for permanent residence and temporary residence and work permits will be processed by the Immigration Office. Temporary residence permits include family reunification, work (including under the sports agreement, Fast Track agreement, and EU law), self-employment, students, trainees, researchers, religious workers, as well as their accompanying family members and au pairs.

If there are questions regarding permits, the Immigration Office can provide guidance. Guidance, application forms, and information on processing times and other details will be available on our website www.utlendingastovan.fo from 1 September 2024.

However, the decision-making authority of the Immigration Office does not cover matters concerning visas, asylum, deportation, and citizenship. For questions regarding these matters contact the Danish immigration authorities.

During the transition period, the procedures will be as follows:

  • If the application is submitted before 1 September 2024, it will be processed and handled by the Danish immigration authorities, Udlændingestyrelsen or Styrelsen for International Rekruttering og Integration (SIRI). For inquiries regarding these matters contact the Danish authority.

  • If the application is submitted from 1 September 2024, it will be processed and handled by the Immigration Office. For inquiries regarding these matters contact the Immigration Office.

New Appeal Authority

An appeal against a decision made by the Immigration Office must be submitted to:


Adelgade 11-13
1304 Copenhagen K Denmark

Contact: Phone +45 6198 3800 - Email: udln@udln.dk – www.udln.dk

An appeal must be submitted at the latest 8 weeks after receiving the decision.

How and Where Do I Submit an Application?

As before, it is possible to submit applications to the police if you are in the Faroe Islands on legal grounds. If you are abroad, it is still possible to submit applications to the Danish embassies. As something new, it is also possible to submit applications at the Immigration Office, by regular mail or via email to info@utlendingastovan.fo.

Special permits to travel back to the Faroe Islands, such as re-entry permits and Schengen visas, which certain foreigners in the Faroe Islands need for international travel, will still be issued by the police.

The regulation can be read here: https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2024/978/Pdf