All news
- 26.03.2025
Úrslit frá kanning um ukrainsk flóttafólk í Føroyum
- 21.03.2025
Nýggjar avgreiðslutíðir │ New Opening Hours │ Нові години роботи
- 10.01.2025
Change in procedure of submitting application in person
- 19.12.2024
Integratiónslógin samtykt
- 18.12.2024
Nýggjur faldari til útlendsk starvsfólk
- 25.11.2024
The Immigration Office will be closed Tuesday, 26. november, 2024
- 25.10.2024
The right to vote and eligibility for løgtings- and kommunuval
- 04.10.2024
Information about residence card and re-entry permit
- 29.08.2024
Decision-Making Authority in Faroese Hands
- 26.06.2024
Proposal for a new Integration Law
- 13.05.2024
Labour Conflict
- 25.09.2023
New Requirement for Accompanying Family Members
- 07.07.2023
Office Hours During Summer Holidays
- 22.12.2022
The reception desk closed from December 23rd to December 30th, 2022.
- 08.04.2022
Residence permit under the Special Act on displaced persons from Ukraine
- 26.10.2021
The Immigration Office is moving – closed 27. October
- 04.02.2021
New Integration Service offered by the Faroese Immigration Office
- 08.01.2021
Regarding Brexit and British Citizens in the Faroe Islands
- 18.06.2020
Office closes today at 11 and tomorrow
- 14.05.2018
Change in Procedures: Accompanying family to Holders of EU-scheme Permits
- 02.02.2018
New Look and New Design for
- 21.09.2016
New handbook for immigrants
- 06.01.2016
Change concerning submission of applications for work permits
- 01.10.2015
The immigration authorites in Denmark have been reorganized
- 12.12.2014
Easier access for workforce from EU-countries
- 19.12.2013
Change of address